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Linkedin Headline For Students 🤝

You may think of LinkedIn as the boring old people social media, but it is an essential platform if you’re on the job hunt.
Allan T
Jan 8, 2024

LinkedIn is often seen as a boring social media platform for older individuals, but it is a crucial platform for job seekers. Recruiters often use LinkedIn as a primary resource to find potential candidates for job openings. Therefore, having a polished and professional LinkedIn profile, possibly refined by a custom writer, can give you a significant advantage over other applicants.

If you are a student looking for job opportunities, creating and managing a LinkedIn account should be easy, especially if you are familiar with other social media platforms. However, the headline of your LinkedIn profile is crucial and requires careful attention. It is the first thing that potential employers will see when they come across your profile, so it should be crafted professionally and strategically.

If you are struggling to create a headline that showcases your skills and qualifications, you can seek help from Assignment writing service or custom essay writers who can do my assignment. They can offer guidance and expertise in crafting a standout LinkedIn headline that will make you stand out from other job seekers. Additionally, if you need Excel assignment help, there are services available that can assist you in mastering complex Excel tasks. For those who find creating presentations challenging, you can also find professionals who will do my PowerPoint presentation, ensuring your slides are both engaging and informative.”

To set up a professional LinkedIn profile, you can also seek advice from experts who offer coursework writing services or write my essay for me. They can provide you with tips and examples of great LinkedIn headlines for students. Moreover, they can also provide you with insights on how to optimize your LinkedIn profile to attract potential employers, such as highlighting your skills and experience, and showcasing your achievements.

In conclusion, having a professional LinkedIn profile is essential for students looking for job opportunities. Seeking help from experts who offer coursework writing services or write my essay for me can give you the guidance and expertise you need to create a standout LinkedIn profile that will make you stand out from other job seekers.

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Optimizing LinkedIn Headlines For Students

A LinkedIn headline is the line right below your name in your LinkedIn profile. When you set up an account, a standard headline is automatically generated for you with the format student at name of university. Many people don’t even realize that they can change this headline, but it is vitally important to do so. That’s because when you send an application or when recruiters search for potential candidates, the headline is the only thing they see that tells them something about the potential employee. So, you need to take this aspect seriously. You know that some people use "Do my discussion board" to stand out from the crowd, right? Similarly, getting professional help with your LinkedIn profile never hurts.


Don’t Do This in Your LinkedIn Headline for Students

The standard headline could be something like John Smith, Student at Michigan State University, and is a terrible headline on LinkedIn for students for a few reasons. 

  • It’s the default headline, so it shows potential employers that you don’t care enough to understand the platform or care enough to update the headline
  • Since it’s the standard, you’ll be exactly like thousands of other profiles on LinkedIn. You should take this opportunity to differentiate yourself from all the other profiles.
  • This is your only opportunity to entice a potential employer to click on your profile and read it thoroughly. 
  • It doesn’t include any keywords that a recruiter might search for
  • It doesn’t take advantage of the 140 character limit

A Better Linkedin Headline for Graduate Students

Aspiring advertising creative with two summer internships at national marketing agencies. Proficient with multiple software.

This is a much better headline for the following reasons

  • It provides specific information about what the potential employee is interested in 
  • It shows the recruiter that the person has some work experience in the industry
  • It clearly states that the potential employee has some software knowledge
  • It uses keywords like “advertising creative”, “internships”, and “multiple software”.
  • It takes advantage of the 140 character limit

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LinkedIn Headline For Graduate Students

How do you come up with a great LinkedIn headline? If you keep a few things in mind, you’ll end up with the perfect one. The main things to remember are to use keywords, show your past experience, give hard numbers if possible, and show what value you can bring to the company. Let’s explore these and some more elements of a great LinkedIn headline for students.


Make sure you use a few keywords in your LinkedIn headline for students. Keywords are essential because those are the terms a recruiter or employer will type to search for profiles that match the job they are offering. 

You could use a free keyword software to find keywords related to the type of job you’re applying for, but this could end up giving you a lot of general keywords.

If you have a very specific idea about the job you want, analyze a few job descriptions and come up with your own keywords based on the skills that all of them ask for. 

An interesting way of coming up with keywords is by pretending to be an employer and running searches using various keywords. Then seeing which profiles regularly come up on the first page of 10 hits and using the common keywords in your LinkedIn headline for students.

Keep it straightforward

Even if you’re applying for a creative position, don’t get too clever or cute with your headline. Recruiters may go through hundreds of profiles a day, and if they don’t see something relevant immediately in your recent graduate LinkedIn headline, they might just skip it. Be direct and clear.

Use the right titles

If you have some work experience, only include the title you had or have if it’s relevant to the job you’re applying for. Associate expert of wordsmithing might be a fun title for your editor job at the local newspaper, but recruiters aren’t going to know what that means. Stick with something keyword-friendly and easy to understand like “Chief Editor”. 

Use numbers

If you can provide some hard numbers, it will make you stand out from the other fresh graduate profiles. Rather than just saying intern at so and so company, say “interned and raised views by 200% at so and so the company”, it will raise the quality of your recent graduate LinkedIn headline.

Don’t be too eager

It might be tempting to show that you’re eager to start work, but don’t use phrases like “actively seeking employment” or “can start immediately” in your LinkedIn headline for students. Companies know that fresh graduates might not have a lot of work experience or might not be working, so you’re just taking precious real estate out of your 140 characters of LinkedIn headlines for recent graduates. Highlight your strengths rather than tell them that you’re desperate for work. If you’re applying for entry-level positions and know that’s a keyword that applies to your industry then say something like “Freshly graduated finance student with a 3-month internship”. 

Use the limit

LinkedIn headlines can be up to 140 characters, so use as much of that prime real estate as you can. You can use a free character counter tool online to write several drafts of your headline and get as close to the limit as possible.

Write several versions

Come up with several different headlines and rotate them every week till you find one that gets you the most job offers. 

Take your time

Just because it’s 140 characters doesn’t mean that you should take just 5 minutes coming up with a headline. A great headline, like a great title, takes time, thought, and understanding to write, so don’t rush it!


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LinkedIn Headline Examples For Students

Let’s take a look at some real LinkedIn professional headline examples for students that work!

Social Media Manager with Experience Growing Shopify Stores from 10K to 1M Visits/Month
Finance student graduating at the top of my class with internships at Barclays and Goldman Sachs
Java Software Developer | Recent College Graduate Seeking Entry-Level Programming Position
Social media marketing expert with a focus on Facebook advertising and Google analytics
Ph.D. on Fetal Covin Serum and Cell Division searching for Medical Research Jobs


Top Linkedin Tips For Students 

Linkedin has over 740 million users, 40 million registered companies, and over 2 million opportunities for students and fresh graduates. Building an appealing LinkedIn profile is one of the best ways to cast your net far and wide and land your dream job. 


The first 3 things people see when they look at your profile are your name, your photo, and your headline. You have to make sure that these three things are up to the mark or they’ll scroll away without going through your profile. 

Your Name - If you have more than one name, shorten it to just a first and last name. Your goal is for people to click on your profile, and having a long name might turn off a potential employer. If you have more than one name (for example a home name and a school name) use whichever name you want to be known as in professional circles. 

Your Photo - First things first, make sure you include a photo in your profile. Many recruiters skip profiles without photos. Remember, there are only 3 things that give a LinkedIn first impression and a photo is one of them. This is not Instagram or Facebook though, make sure the photo you post is professional and makes you look employable and trustworthy, which means no group shots, no party photos, and no silly photos.  

Your Headline - Since you’ve gotten this far in the article, you should know how important it is to write an informative headline for LinkedIn students using keywords and showing your skills, experience, and value proposition. 

Now that you have the first impression down, let's move on to the profile. 

Your Summary - This is the first thing potential employers will see when they click on your profile. Think of it as an expansion of your headline where you elaborate on what you’ve done in the past, what your skills are, what motivates you, what hard skills you have, and what you can offer a potential employer. This section is also used for searches so make sure you include some keywords. 

Your Experience - Think about your LinkedIn profile as a resume that’s always looking for jobs for you. You may not have a lot of official work experience as a fresh graduate, but you can include any work you’ve done here including summer jobs, short-term projects, freelance work, etc. Volunteering experience absolutely counts for this section, so make sure you include it. You can go into as much detail as you want, so list out any responsibilities and achievements.

Your Additional Profile Sections - This is basically made for fresh graduates and new job hunters. You may not have a lot of work experience, but this section lets you highlight any achievements and awards you may have. Languages, hobbies, certifications, exchange programs, a high GPA, dean's list, this is where to put all that information. 

Your Network - Just like any other social media platform, the more people you have in your network, the more likely they will see your profile/posts/ etc. Just start adding everyone you know with a LinkedIn profile including family, friends, family friends, relatives, teachers, professors, and people you may have worked for in the past. Developing your network will let you access jobs that you may not be able to easily search for, and you might get job offers through referrals. 

Your Portfolio - You can upload many different types of documents into LinkedIn. This helps show off your talents and skills and is particularly helpful if you work in a creative industry. Include links to a personal website or blog posts. Upload presentations you’re proud of and examples of your creative projects. 

Your Skills and Endorsements - Include skills that are frequently searched keywords to make your profile show up in as many searches as possible. Ask people in your network to endorse specific skills so that recruiters know that you aren’t just making things up. You can also ask people to write longer recommendations, just like a recommendation letter. Ask professors and previous bosses in your network if they’ll write a short one for you related to the job you listed in the experience section. 

Even though Linkedin is meant for work and business, it still is a social media platform. That means there are lots of ways to engage with people. Writing articles and blogs are a great way to showcase your talents and build a wide network. You will find hundreds of fascinating articles written by industry experts on the platform. Engaging with them is a great way to get noticed and potentially get jobs. You can think of LinkedIn as a social media platform with the goal of getting you real-world money!


Final Words

No matter what subject you’re studying or which industry you’re in, a LinkedIn profile is a must. The actual profile is a lot like writing a general resume, and there are ways to eventually build an effective network that works for you, but the first step as a fresh graduate is making sure that your profile gets clicked on at all!

Remember, your name, your photo, and the headline are the only 3 things potential employers see before they decide to click on your profile or not. This makes the headline vitally important, especially for a graduate student LinkedIn headline, and crafting a great one will increase your chances of getting job offers and landing your dream job significantly. 

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