Money & Budgeting

8 Best High Paying Jobs for College Students ✔️

Becoming independent as early as one can become is a golden rule in the western world.
Allan T
Jul 23, 2021

Modern employees understand that students enter the workforce while studying at college. Yet, the variety of jobs for college students has increased. The good news is that many employers can suggest well-paid employment and a schedule that fits your needs. Hence, you can work and study and finish all your projects in time. No need for running to college after a night shift at the pub you hate.

Before you start searching for an online resume writing service, check the list of best high paying jobs for college students. 

What Are Good Paying Jobs For College Students?

The best job for a student is one that does not distract them from college studies. There is a stereotype that an average student gets a job with minimum duties and a low wage. You will be surprised that there are actually high paying jobs for college students. 

  • Combine your studies with actual work. Depending on your college program, you can be a translator, freelance writer, or tutor.
  • Trade your free time. You can work holiday and weekend shifts. The con is that the amount of money you earn will directly depend on the number of shifts you work.
  • Summer jobs. In many cases, the best jobs for college students come with summer. Especially in the tourism industry.


Transcribing texts is literally one of the good paying part time jobs a student can find. You work with audio recordings without the need to leave the comfort of your room or school library. You get flexible hours with no need to specialize in a specific area. 

As a transcriptionist, you will write down the interviews or speeches word by word. Just like writing down your favorite podcast.Sounds like a dream, right? 

Transcribing texts is also one of the best paying jobs for college students. An average student can earn $15-28 per hour. 

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Tutoring is as old as the hills. It is still among the best paying part time jobs for college students because having a private tutor is a luxury. Not only do you have to drive to your student’s house but attend to their personal education plan. 

There is a variety of job positions in tutoring. You can be a tutor in music, mathematics, English, and any other discipline. Helping your students with their school work is the most popular duty. You also may help students with their home assignments(writing, math, physics, etc.) on the Studyfy platform if pass all our qualification verification steps( sign up to try).

Meanwhile, your hourly wage will be around $15-23.

Independent Contractor

Generally, an independent contractor is like a freelancer who works on a project for a specific period. Yet no wonder that being an independent contractor and performing all types of services imagined is one of the highest paying summer jobs for college students. 

You can work as a hotel shuttle driver with an $11 hourly wage. To join other riders, you must have a driver’s license. Meanwhile, your duty will be driving the hotel guests to a destination like an airport or a railroad station. 


Just imagine. Your favorite local coffee shop can become your first workplace! This is also one of the best jobs for college students during school. The shifts are flexible: you can work after school or on weekends. Your main duty will be making coffee for the customers and partial bookkeeping. 

Depending on the coffee shop’s location and the number of customers, your payment will differ. For instance, downtown coffee shops pay more. However, you can expect to be paid $10-15 on average. 

Virtual Assistant

This profession is fairly at the top of the best jobs for college students that pay well in 2021. A part-time pay is around $2500 per month, while full-time pay reaches $5000. 

A virtual assistant schedules appointments for the company’s clients, makes phone calls, and organizes meeting arrangements for the company’s employees. Managing social media is also one of the responsibilities a virtual assistant might have. 

This job is perfect for students because anyone can develop administrative skills. No special education is required, yet the barrier to entry is low.

Data Entry Specialist

Another great occupation for a student who wants to work remotely and have a flexible schedule. Also, this occupation is among the good jobs for college students that pay well. All you need is a computer and internet access. 

The duties are simple. You need to reach various sites in order to extract the necessary information like canceled bills and checks. Later, you enter the final data into a virtual database.

The wages are fairly high, making $16-35 per hour. 

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Students babysitting babies is an old-fashioned job. Nannies are highly demanded nowadays, considering that more women work. The Internet has also made things easier.  You can always reach families who need babysitters online. 

As a babysitter, you’ll have to play with the children and feed them while their parents are away. 

One of the best part time jobs for college students, babysitting pays well too. The hourly wage is around $20.

Research Assistant

The best job for students who are academically-driven and are currently working on scientific projects. However, the barrier to entry is pretty high since the majority of organizations require a candidate to have an undergraduate degree. But if you are enrolled in a Master’s program, this job is for you. 

You’ll have to write progress reports and create interview questions. Summarizing results of the research will be the final stage. 

One of the most popular jobs while in college will pay you $450 on a weekly basis. A great perk, right?

Your Future and Final Thoughts

According to recent statistics, 80% of part-time students work while only 43% of full-time students do so. There are several benefits to being employed as a college student. Working students tend to manage their time better and prioritize attending classes, unlike non-working students. Additionally, finding good jobs for college students can help them enter high-paying industries more quickly, as starting to work earlier in one's career allows for faster development of one's resume and cover letter. Despite the challenges of finding well-paying jobs for college students in today's tough economy, it is possible to succeed by following a few tips:

  1. Seek programme-related work that directly benefits your field of study. For example, if you are studying arts, you could work as a music tutor, or if you specialize in science, you could do research in astronomy.
  2. Check the salary to ensure that it meets the average for college student jobs before accepting an offer.
  3. Make sure the job is official by negotiating a contract to protect yourself legally.

If you need academic assistance while working, consider using Studyfy's services, such as their biology essay writing service, help with argumentative essays, custom research paper writing service, or pay for essay writing options. Good luck in your job search!