Why Studyfy?
These are just some of the reasons why students trust Studyfy:
- We only hire the best writers online so that you get expert papers written by professionals to guarantee good grades.
- We value our reputation, which is why we always meet deadlines, ensure excellent quality papers, and have 24/7 customer service.
- We value our clients’ privacy which is why all your information is stored anonymously on our servers and kept protected.
- We have your back in an emergency and can give you a paper in less than 8 hours.
- We have a wide variety of professional writers for you to choose from.
How does your service work?
All you have to do is place an order giving us your instructions, word count, and deadline. Our writers will bid for your work and you can choose the one you like. When the essay is ready you will get an email notification. You get unlimited revisions and are asked to pay only after you are completely satisfied.
Are your essays completely original?
We understand how seriously academic institutions take plagiarism and guarantee that any paper we write is completely original. Our writers take great care to conduct thorough research and synthesize the information into completely unique writing. As proof, we offer free Turnitin reports on request.
Will anyone know I've used your services?
We understand how seriously academic institutions take plagiarism and guarantee that any paper we write is completely original. Our writers take great care to conduct thorough research and synthesize the information into completely unique writing. As proof, we offer free Turnitin reports on request.
How do I place an order?
All you have to do is fill out a simple order form giving us any special instructions, a word count, and the due date. If you ever need any help, just reach out to our friendly customer service agents.
Can you write admission essays?
Our experts have helped thousands of students get into undergraduate and graduate programs by helping them with their admission essays. They take the time to get to know you and create an essay that truly makes you stand out.
How fast can I get a paper?
We generally ask for a minimum turnaround time of 8 hours but try our best to accommodate people's requests for even faster delivery. Contact us directly to find out more.
What about editing?
If you just need an essay edited we offer those services as well. Any original essay you get from us is edited by your writer of choice and we offer unlimited revisions until you are completely satisfied with the final draft.
Do I get a Microsoft word version?
After you approve the preview pdf version of the final draft you will be able to access a Microsoft Word version for download in the Files tab.
Can I choose a specific writer?
If you've used our services before and have a favorite writer you can hire them again by clicking the request writer option and choosing them from a drop-down list. Keep in mind that the writer may be unavailable in which case you will have to choose a different writer.
Who will write the essay?
You decide who will write the essay! Once you place an order, several writers will bid for your work. Go over their information including their ratings, reviews, areas of expertise, and the number of completed orders. Feel free to chat with them directly to get to know them better, and choose the perfect writer for you.
Which citation styles do you work with?
We can write a paper in any citation style including MLA, APA, Chicago, Harvard, Footnote/Endnote, In-text, and Vancouver.
Do your writers use scholarly journals?
We give all our writers access to several databases including scholarly and peer-reviewed journals.
Is there any risk of plagiarism?
We have a strict policy against plagiarism and guarantee that any paper that you receive from us will be completely unique and original. We provide a free Turnitin report on request.
How am I supposed to use an essay from your services?
The essays we provide are meant to serve as an example of what a high-quality paper on the topic should look like. They are not meant to be submitted to your academic Institution, rather they are a research tool and guide.
What if I’m unhappy with the quality of the paper?
Each of our writers has a University degree, years of experience in academic writing, and has to go through a strict selection process. We only hire the best writers online so that you get top-quality papers. We always guarantee an excellent first draft but offer unlimited free revisions until you are completely satisfied with the final result. The more information you provide and the more closely you work with your writer the better the final paper will be.
Are there any guarantees of originality?
We guarantee that every single one of our papers is 100% original. At the end of the assignment, you will receive a free plagiarism report from the writer as proof of originality. You can also check the paper on your own. If there are any issues with originality you can always contact support and they'll be happy to sort any of your problems.
What should I do if I don’t like the essay you provide?
Customer satisfaction is of the utmost importance to us which is why we work hard to deliver excellent results. We offer as many free revisions as required until you are satisfied but if despite all our efforts you are unhappy, we will give you your money back.
How did you come up with your prices?
We have tried to make our services affordable to as many students as possible but want to maintain high standards which is why we charge as much as we do. You will find cheaper essay writing services online but the quality of their work is often substandard. We are one of the most affordable high-quality essay writing services online.
What are the payment options?
We have several simple, safe, and secure payment options for your convenience including:
- Visa
- MasterCard
- American Express
- Discover
What determines the price of an essay?
Our price estimator only gives a rough idea of what an essay might cost. In the end, it depends on the writers that bid for your work and the prices they charge. In general, these are the factors that determine the price of an essay:
- The number of pages - The required word count is the biggest determining factor of the price of an essay.
- The type of essay - Essays that require more research or in-depth knowledge cost more than general essays.
- The academic level - Essays for postgraduate courses cost more than for undergraduate and high school classes.
- The deadline - The more time you give us the cheaper the paper will be.
We charge a little bit more than some essay writing companies online because we value quality. You can be sure that when you order an essay from us it will be delivered on time, of high quality, and free from plagiarism.
What if I forget my password?
If you forget the password to your account all you have to do is click on the forgot password link, put in your email address, enter a new password, and check your e-mail for an activation link.
Can anyone find out that I have used your services?
All your information is kept anonymously and you are assigned a unique customer ID number so that your name is never mentioned in our systems. No one will ever find out that you have used our services unless you tell them.
Can I remove specific papers from my account or delete my account permanently?
Yes to both! You can easily delete a specific paper from your account as well as permanently delete your account overall. Keep in mind that once you delete your account permanently there is no way of retrieving it.
Are there any guarantees of originality?
We guarantee that every single one of our papers is 100% original. At the end of the assignment, you will receive a free plagiarism report from the writer as proof of originality. You can also check the paper on your own. If there are any issues with originality you can always contact support and they'll be happy to sort any of your problems.
Get an essay now!
Use our price estimator to get an idea of how much your order for sociology essay writing service, argumentative essay writing service, write my thesis, or write my college essay will cost.
How to use our services
The essays we write at Studyfy are meant to be used as research, writing examples, guides, and study materials. Any work we provide is not intended to be submitted as the student’s own work.