Types of college assignments and how to write an assignment
Assignment writing is partly as hard as it is due to the sheer amount of work that needs to be done. For every class, you get a home assignment and end up with dozens of projects due in the same week.
Yet, it’s important to differentiate between the types of homework, as no assignments are created equal.
- Essay
- Report
- Review
- Presentation
- Research paper
- Term paper
- Thesis
- Dissertation
All these can be given to you as homework, but the mechanics behind every task are extremely different. In this article, we will look closely at each of these assignments and give you some tips on writing them.
Essay: How to head a college assignment
Essay assignment is your most basic type of paper. Students have to write dozens, if not hundreds, of them during their studies. But if you don’t learn how to do it right, it will be harder each time. On the contrary, if you learn how to write this type of assignment, it will feel like a piece of cake.
So, where do you start? If the topic has been given to you by your professor, you begin with research. Find recent, relevant studies that you can base your research upon. The number of sources to use should also be discussed with your professor.
Some people find it easier to start once they get all the technical stuff out of the way. I.e. write up a title page, add the page numbers and format the references. Then, start writing.
What about writing assignment services?
Sometimes, it’s easier to do my assignment when you know you have a backup plan. Services like Studyfy can serve as your safety net you can always fall back on.
Contrary to popular belief, you don’t always have to order a full paper from them. You can use Studyfy for formatting, editing, proofreading, or even writing an outline. If you feel stuck with a topic, order an outline, and a professional writer will give you ideas for each paragraph.
Or, order a full essay to have a reference point on which to base your future essays.
Research paper: How to find relevant sources for academic writing
Any written assignment starts with research. The only difference is that for a research paper, you need a lot more references than you would need for an essay. So, how do you find relevant, accurate and dependable sources?
Your class studies can be an excellent stepping stone for the beginning of your research. You may not realize it, but all the assignments you get are meant to deepen and expand your knowledge.
So, using your textbooks or additional readings recommended by your professor is a great way to do just that. Look for sources that have been written at least in the last ten years. But if the topic is evolving rapidly, then 3-5 years is your best bet.
Writing reports as writing assignments
You might have written a book report as a high school student. Well, you still have to write them in college, but they become a bit trickier. Apart from your usual book and film reports, you also get to write lab reports, business reports, and other types of reports, depending on what you study.
This paper is more analytical compared to an essay. It usually contains a methodology, results, and discussion. Basically, writing a report means conducting an experiment and then putting it on paper.
You state your goals and motivation, project results, list the methods used, describe and analyze the results and then compare actual findings to what you’ve expected. Easy, right?
PowerPoint presentations in your own words
A student may be required to prepare a presentation for any subject and any topic. Often, these assignments are voluntary and done for extra credit.
You also will be required to prepare a presentation for your thesis defense, but that’s another topic. The main thing you need to know about presentations is that they can’t be too cluttered. The slides themselves must contain minimum information.
Only the main points, such as visual data like statistics and illustrations, should be on the slides. Everything that you, as the presenter, need to say has to be placed in the right task words and speaker notes. The lack of speaker notes may deduct your grade.
While crafting a compelling PowerPoint is essential, some students opt for "do my PowerPoint presentation" services to alleviate the burden.
How to write a review
Similarly to reports, you must have written a few reviews during your time in school. The assignments are quite similar, but college assignment writing needs to be better researched and more analytical.
The most common piece you’ll need to write is a literature review. It’s essentially an analysis of sources done in preparation for your thesis or dissertation. Basically, any academic paper is done to prepare you for writing a thesis.
The structure of a literature review is the same as that of any other academic paper. Yet here, every new paragraph of the body is dedicated to a specific journal article, book or paper.
You read the source carefully, analyze its findings and present this analysis in your paper. After reviewing all the sources, you may discover gaps or inconsistencies in the existing research.
Term paper writing as assignment writing
A term paper is an academic piece written by a student over the course of the semester. Usually, a student chooses the topic themselves and writes it independently, on their own time. A term paper usually contributes significantly to the final grade. It’s meant to show what you’ve learned over the course of the semester.
A term paper is usually from 15 to 25 pages. It follows the usual structure, i.e. introduction, body paragraphs and conclusion. In the introduction, there is usually a research question or a thesis statement. And the body paragraphs develop that statement or answer the question.
Writing a thesis
A master’s thesis is a big academic work that may take you over a year to write. It involves extensive and often empirical research. You may need to use qualitative or quantitative methods.
Qualitative research often involves speaking to respondents and answering the questions like ‘Why’ and ‘How.’ Performing quantitative research usually means experimenting, measuring, and answering the question, ‘How many/much?’
What’s a dissertation?
A dissertation is an extension of your thesis in the same way that your thesis is an extension of all the other research papers you’ve written over the course of your college education. A dissertation is written after the thesis and is even more extensive and detailed.
Whenever you’re writing a thesis or a dissertation, you are to stay in close contact with your academic supervisor. Bring them drafts of your work, and discuss the sources, precise language you choose and your methods. They will guide you and motivate you to write better.
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Typical assignment structure
The assignment format is usually standardized and doesn’t change depending on the institution. Below is the approximate layout of every paper.

Title page
Your topic, name, name of institution and date should be on the title page. The format in which this information appears will depend on the formatting style.
You should always check with your professor to know the right style for your assignment.
This section is often written last. In it, you introduce the topic, your research methods (if applicable), and the projected findings.
It’s easier to write it after the body has been drafted since you know what to expect.
Main Body
This is the part where you present your arguments or findings. Each idea should have a dedicated paragraph. For essays, keep them short and sweet.
Provide an argument with a citation and follow it up with your own analysis or thoughts.
Here, you summarize the arguments you’ve presented above, bring them to a consensus and reflect on whether the research has met your expectations from the intro or not.
Don’t introduce any new information in this section.
Reference list or bibliography
Sort all the sources in alphabetical order and format them in accordance with the formatting style. Be attentive for page numbers, years of publication and other details.
How to stay focused while writing
Keeping on track and not procrastinating while you write is a big issue for students. You must remember why you are doing it and learn to motivate yourself.
Statistically, people who have completed their higher education make more money and have more prospects in life. Even if your future occupation will have no connection to what you’re studying, you are still more likely to be employed if you have a diploma. In the volatile times we live in now, it’s very important. When you sit down to write, put away your phone, clear your desk, and turn off notifications from all the distracting apps. Using applications like Forest or Pomodoro may also be useful. Nevertheless, it’s important to take breaks. Your eyes get tired from looking at the screen, and moving your body is important. Take breaks every 30-45 minutes. Remember to drink water and walk around.
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Final thoughts
Writing academic papers is not easy. Yet, it’s not supposed to be. On the contrary, facing a challenge every once in a while is very important. It builds resilience and willpower.
Besides, once you learn to write basic papers like essays, the rest will become easy for you. Imagine that those other, more complicated papers are just the next level of the game.
And the thesis is the final boss. Sure, it’s hard to write, but the reward is worth it.
Assignment writing is an art - choose your own words, enrich the assignment writing process with valuable resources. include key words, and don't stray from your assignment topic.
When writing sentences, your academic writing skills are a product of careful planning, key points, your own task words and a creative writing process.
Writing assignments, or assignment writing, branches from the assignment topic without limiting task words or useful phrases.
When working on an assignment task, make sure to follow assignment guidelines when writing paragraphs explaining your key components.
Include topic task words on a particular subject, and don't bury the thesis statement - all this requires careful planning, especially for undergraduate students who are encountering writing assignments, assignment tasks and topic task words for the first time.
How to ace any college assignment
Academic paper writing is a natural part of higher education. Attaining your diploma is impossible without writing a few papers, even if you study art or engineering.
Every paper has its own peculiarities, yet the structure is approximately the same. And once you learn to stick to that structure, all writing will seem like a piece of cake.
Write the main body first. Present your arguments, cite sources, and analyze quotes or other writers’ findings. Sometimes, you may be required to voice your opinion, but not always. Be mindful of those details.
Write the conclusion next. Discuss what you’ve discovered, talk about shortcomings or gaps in knowledge and see if you can fill those gaps in your subsequent papers.
After the paper is almost done, write the intro. It’s not set in stone, but many authors find it easier to write the intro once they know what the paper looks like. Then, you can prepare the reader for what’s to come.
After the main parts are complete, proceed to polishing. Format the references and the title page. Read the formatting guide closely and take note of all the details. The lack of page numbers or a wrong year of publication can reduce your grade.
Good assignment writing and academic assignment writing are made with your own words. All writing assignments, no matter the type, follow a similar writing process in an academic writing style.
A similar style to essay writing branches out from the assignment topic, follows specific key task words and a research process, while showcasing your critical thinking skills.