The Best Essay Topics & Ideas Collection 🤓| Studyfy

Essay Topics & Ideas

If your teacher has assigned you an essay and you need some help coming up with a great topic, congratulations!
Kelly Spancer
min read
Feb 3, 2023

You’ve made it to the perfect article! After reading this you’ll not just know how to come up with an idea for an essay, but have over 300 examples to inspire you. 

Why Essay Ideas and Great Essay Topics are Vital

The difference between having fun while writing an interesting, high scoring essay, and struggling to finish an essay the night before it’s due has less to do with how well you write and more to do with the topic you choose. A topic you feel passionate about will make you more excited to actually do the writing and will make the writing process easier and the end product better. Don’t get carried away though! Think about the audience you’re writing for and choose a topic that they would find at least somewhat interesting. Another useful way to help decide between several topics you’re passionate about is choosing one that you already have a lot of information about. This will cut down on your research time, making your writing flow, weaving facts and references into the narrative. 

300+ Essay Topic Ideas

You’ll find over 300 topic ideas divided into various categories down below. Put your own spin on any of these ideas and take the first step in writing a fun, high scoring essay. Keep in mind - these are topic ideas, not titles!

Essay Topics for Kids

Some really simple questions to inspire young children to come up with a fun topic!

Who is your favorite superhero and why?
What do you like the most about your parents?
What is your favorite season?
What do you like the most about Christmas?
What have you learned from cartoons?
What does your brother or sister do for fun?
Do you like vegetables? Why or why not!
How was your first day of school?
What is your favorite thing to eat?

Essay Topics for Middle School

Some slightly more complicated questions to help middle schoolers find a great topic.  

Who is your best friend and why?
What are you the best at?
What’s your favorite cuisine?
Who’s your role model?
What do you think about social media?
Explain what friendship means to you
Choose a science term you love and write about it
What do you want to be when you’re older?
What was it like losing your first tooth?
What do you like the most about school?

Essay Topics for College

Some complicated question to ignite the imaginations of sophisticated college students. 

What were the driving factors behind your choice of major?
How did you deal with homesickness?
What new clubs and activities did you start enjoying in college?
Does a college degree seem worth it so far?
Is independence everything you thought it would be?
What would you change about your college experience?
What is a course that you found yourself enjoying despite hating it in high school?
How different is socializing in college compared to high school?
Would you have preferred to have gone to a larger or smaller college and why?
Do you think you’ve managed your time well?

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Essay Topics by Essay Type

This section will cover the 4 main types of essays you will be asked to write in your academic career.


  • Expository writing asks the writer to do some research and explain concepts and ideas. These include Informative, Cause & Effect, and Research essays.
  • Persuasive writing is all about trying to convince the reader to come to your side of an issue. These include Persuasive, Argumentative, and Rhetorical Analysis essays.
  • Descriptive writing allows for more creativity, painting an experience with words that explain ideas and convey emotions. These include Descriptive and Definition essays.
  • Narrative writing is about sharing experiences through storytelling. These include Narrative, Personal, Reflective, and Process essays.

Informative Essay Topics

Pretty straightforward, do some research and present the facts. Keep your opinions out of it!

The history of bathing culture in ancient China
Why salt used to be worth its weight in gold
The impact of prohibition on modern attitudes towards alcohol
An in-depth critique of your favorite book or movie 
Why a little bit of stress is a good thing
The story of how a chocolate bar gets made
The top 10 richest people in the world
The best videogames of each decade 
How to get out of a bad relationship
The evolution of the internet 

Cause and Effect Essay Topics

Explore how one thing impacts the other, also known as reason and result essays. 

The impact of Young Adult fiction on teenagers
How the Marvel Cinematic Universe brought the world closer together
Dealing with a cross-cultural relationship
Wearing school uniforms reduces bullying
The effects of having a toxic parent
Why there’s a rise in eating disorders amongst young people today
Ways to lead a healthier lifestyle and why it’s important
The impact of going to college on earning potential 
Why everyone needs a vacation once every 6 months
The impact of group sports on an individuals psychology

Research Essay Topics

More in-depth analysis usually requiring scientific research. Sometimes you just collect and synthesize information, sometimes you may be asked to give an opinion. 

The extent of child labor in the fast fashion industry 
Has science fiction driven scientific discovery and if so, what can we expect from the future?
The impact of climate change on migratory wildlife 
How do transfats differ from healthy fats and why they are bad?
Is there a connection between social media usage and reported happiness?
How have film industries around the world shaped and influenced each other?
Which country is going to be the next superpower?
An analysis of modern pop music lyrics 
Themes and motifs in anime that are similar to Shakespeare’s works
What type of underwear is best for different weather conditions

Persuasive Essay Topics

Using emotions to convince someone that your perspective on an issue is correct.

What does the term “Globalist” actually means
The responsibility for sex and drug education lies with parents
Why veganism is the only morally justifiable diet
Should there be limits on freedom of speech?
Students should be allowed to listen to music when they take exams
Why some words should not be used regardless of context
Should alternative and homeopathic medicine come with warning labels?
There needs to be a minimum age for social media use
Online friends are just as valuable as offline friends
Instagram is bad for the body image of young adults

Argumentative Essay Topics

Using logic and facts to convince somebody that your perspective on an issue is correct.

Is cancel culture a good way for groups to police people?
Should celebrities have public opinions about politics?
Why is ok to eat plants but not animals?
Should everyone be forced to take vaccines?
What are the lasting impacts of internment camps in the USA?
Should animals have the same rights as humans?
Is it justifiable to spend billions getting to Mars when children still die of starvation on Earth?
Why video games should be considered sports
Should countries be allowed to censor movies?
Is health care a basic human right?

Rhetorical Analysis Essay Topics

A specific type of essay that focuses less on what the content is and more on how the author goes about writing it. 

The Picture of Dorian Gray: A peek into the mind of Oscar Wilde
The movie versions of famous books 
A scientific speech given by a Nobel prize winner
Your favorite Superbowl commercial 
A stand up special by a comedian 
A speech given by your principal
A particularly excellent billboard you came across
A speech by an activist like Greta Thunberg
A monologue by your favorite talk show host
A rant by your favorite social media personality

Descriptive Essay Topics

Detail rich writing that conveys intangible things like ambiance and emotion.

How would an alien reporting back to the mothership explain humans?
The feeling of a beautiful sunset on the beach 
What’s special about your favorite homecooked meal
Holding a baby for the first time
The most embarrassing moment of your life
If you could have dinner with anyone in the world, who would it be 
Why your favorite city in the world is the best
Your favorite childhood outfit 
What is your mental happy place?
What it’s like to be in love

Definition Essay Topics

Defining an interesting term that has an imprecise meaning or a meaning that differs from culture to culture. 

Why anybody can be privileged in one way or another
Is communism really as bad as people think?
The importance of slang (choose any slang word like yeet, lit, snack)
Teleportation and why it’s impossible
The difference between being smart and being clever
Making fun or being in awe of modern art
If you’re born after the year 2000 is the internet a basic right?
Why I love my dog differently than my romantic partner
Does mental health mean different things in different cultures?
The World Wide Web: What WWW really means

Find out more ideas of definition essay topics in or guides.

Narrative Essay Topics

An academic form of storytelling that is full of details and action. Usually drawn from the writer’s own experiences. Feel feel to use personal pronouns!

Why a certain phrase became your motto
A time when you were convinced to change your mind about something 
A random act of kindness you witnessed
What time period you would go to if time travel were possible
A time you panicked because you thought you lost your phone
The first time you felt butterflies in your stomach
Your most disappointing birthday
A conversation that impacted the way you approach life
What it would be like to have a twin
A day in the life of a goat

We collected 150 ideas of nurrative essay topics in another article!

Personal Essay Topics

A style of writing close to journaling. It should feel friendly and comfortable and can be as personal as you want. 

What are some of the challenges you have overcome in your life?
How important is spending time in nature to you?
What your YouTube channel would be about 
Which of your favorite movies would you want a sequel for?
What you wish people would know about you before meeting for the first time
What is the most rebellious thing you’ve done? 
Would you be ok in a nontraditional occupation?
How much does being a sports fan define you?
Why certain items of clothing have special meaning to you
Why you still believe or don’t believe in ghosts

Reflective Essay Topics

Another personal style that allows the writer to express how they felt at certain moments and how certain things impacted them. 

When was the last time you laughed with someone so hard you couldn’t stop?
Are certain people and certain places forever linked in your memory?
The worst punishment you have endured
A time when you helped someone in need and why it was important to you
Your first time failing at something and what it taught you
The joys of playing with a pet
The feeling of walking in warm rain 
What it was like moving back to a city you left
Reconnecting with old friends because of social media
What it felt like getting lost

Process Essay Topics

A step by step guide on how to make something happen. 

How to teach an old person to use a smartphone
How to find better friends 
How to become a better writer
How to build followers of social media
How to say no to people without hurting their feelings
How to make the sweetest handmade gifts
How to impress everyone in a room with just a few words
How to take a comprehensive two-minute shower
How to choose the tastiest fruits
How to get over an ex

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Essay Topic Idea by Category

In this section, you’ll find 10 topics per popular category. Search for the category that’s most related to your class or find something you like personally. Any of these topics can be used as extended essay topics, just write more than usual!

Psychology Essay Topics

Some ideas to inspire your essay about the mind.

How much control do you have over your own thoughts?
How does society define what “crazy” is?
Knowing someone who has a mental disorder
Your own experiences with mental health
Mental health is just as important as physical health
The difference between confidence and arrogance
Pick an interesting psychology concept and define it
The different attitudes towards therapy in different socio-economic groups 
The effects of Disney movies on the concept of love
Diagnose your favorite superhero with their most likely disorder

Philosophy Essay Topics

Ideas for the deep thinkers.

The changing importance of philosophy in the 2020s
Is philosophy the same as religion? Why or why not?
Compare Plato’s Allegory of Cave to The Matrix Trilogy
Utilitarian philosophy in Star Trek
Do video games promote escapism and if, isn’t that the point of technology?
Should a majority force a minority to follow their wishes?
How do you find the line between free speech and harassment?
Is there such a thing as being too nice?
Would you date somebody who held very different beliefs than you?
Choose a concept by a famous philosopher and define it.

Technology Essay Topics

Fascinating ideas to explore for the tech-savvy.

What the next big leap in technology is going to be
Can humans already be considered cyborgs?
How is artificial intelligence going to affect jobs in the future?
Do big technology companies have too much power?
If robots achieved sentience, should they be given the same rights as humans?
Compare and contrast the changes in computing power in the last 20 years
Explain how the internet actually works
Analyze historical technological advancements like the steam engine or light bulb
Would you be willing to be a Mars colonist?
Make predictions about the technology of the future 

Ethics Essay Topics

Explore right and wrong with these topic ideas.

What is the difference between morals and laws?
Is justice an objective concept or is it determined by the majority?
Is it ok for parents to have a favorite child or for children to have a favorite parent?
Would you save your own pet over a human life?
Should people be allowed to not wear masks if it is against their beliefs?
Is it morally wrong to be in a polygamous relationship?
Loyalty is considered a good thing, but people have done terrible things because of it. 
What is the best way to punish criminals?
Should there be laws that are enforceable everywhere in the world?
Who has the most responsibility to take care of the environment?

Health Essay Topics

Write about being in tune with your body and how to lead a better life.

How to be healthy without dieting
Compare how your body feels now to 5 years ago 
Choose a health buzz word like superfoods and explain what it means
Should governments provide free mental healthcare?
How to stay positive during the lockdown
What are the most unhealthy fast food burgers?
What are the impacts of good nutrition on energy levels?
Are vitamin supplements worth it?
Explain the difference between good bacteria and bad bacteria 
Does being thinner automatically mean you are healthier?

History Essay Topics

Ideas to inspire the history buffs out there.

What was the impact of the 2007 financial crisis on your family?
Which time period was it the best to be a common person?
Trace your family history as far back as you can
What are the biggest lessons learned from history?
Choose your favorite hobby and trace its origins
Who was the richest person in all of human history?
What did people think of fossils before humans understood dinosaurs?
Compare and contrast the first great human civilizations
Why was India such an important destination in the middle ages?
What is the impact of the slave trade in modern Africa?

Education Essay Topics

Educate your readers about education.

Should students have more freedom in choosing what classes they take?
Who has the responsibility to educate children about religion?
What are the other forms of education and are they effective?
Trace the history of the modern educational system
Does language affect how well you score on exams?
Does separating people based on standardized testing make sense?
What is the best way to reward excellent teachers?
Why can some countries provide free university education?
What are the biggest challenges you have faced academically?
Should there be a Nobel Prize for education?

Music Essay Topics

Ideas that will inspire music lovers.

What is the first song that you can remember?
Do different kinds of music affect how well you can study?
Could listening to music be considered a form of meditation?
Do musicians appreciate music more than nonmusicians?
What is the best genre of music in your opinion?
Could you be good friends with someone who has completely opposite music tastes?
What instrument would you like to be amazing at
Compare and contrast classical music with modern pop hits
Have lyrics actually gotten better or worse over the decades?
What is the future of music going to be like?

Environment Essay Topics

Share your love of mother Earth with these topic ideas.

How can global warming lead to colder temperatures in some places?
What you personally do to help save the environment
Explore one of the worst pollution disasters in history
Should rich countries help poorer countries with carbon emission goals?
How have plate tectonics and volcanoes shaped our world
What would be the impact of rising sea levels 
Why are invasive species so dangerous?
What was the Earth’s climate like in the past?
What are the biggest specific threats to the environment?
Research the history behind finding medicines in nature

Sociology Essay Topics

Write about the behavior of humans and groups.

What is groupthink and does social media make it worse?
Do groups of people make better decisions than individuals?
Explore a subculture that you’re unfamiliar with 
What did you learn on your first trip abroad?
What can humans learn from animal social groups?
Why are people so different around the world?
What are the key factors of attraction?
What will future generations look back on in 2020 that they would find repulsive? 
What is your favorite festival from another culture?
Why did different places in the world develop different cuisines?

Economics Essay Topics

Ideas to write about the money side of things.

What is the effect of cryptocurrency on traditional money systems?
What is your first memory of earning any money?
Should wealthier people be taxed more than poorer people?
What percentage of GDP should be spent on education?
Should businesses do more corporate social responsibility?
Choose an economics term and explain it
Trace the origins of money 
How companies create artificial shortages to increase prices
How can a government control how much its money is worth
What is the role of the World Bank?

More Fun & Interesting Essay Topics

Some weird, crazy, topic ideas to set the inner creative free

What is the meaning of life?
How would you make friends with an alien
What would your supervillain plan to take over the world be?
Which fictional character would you like to be?
How many tears does the ocean hold?
A day in the life of a library book
The journey of a meme
How to destroy an influencer
A time you felt like you were in a movie
What music genre are you?
Which Disney movie do you relate to the most?
How would you survive on 5 dollars a day?
A time you were convinced you were living in the matrix
Gaming for 24 hours straight
Having crushes on multiple people
The sneakiest thing you’ve ever done
What kind of rich person would you be?
What would you do in a zombie apocalypse?
How to get rid of an earworm
Your favorite weird food combination

Wrapping It Up

The team of experts at Studyfy offers professional essay writing services, dissertation writing services, research paper writing services, as well as help with writing admission essays. They have vast experience and knowledge in different fields of study, and can provide you with top-quality academic help to ensure that you succeed in your studies. Contact them today and take the first step towards achieving your academic goals!